by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was updated this past Friday, March 11, 2022, and it is now reporting that there have been 1,168,894 cases of injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines since December of 2020, when the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for the COVID-19 vaccines. (Source.)
By way of contrast, there were 926,031 cases of injuries and deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years, from 1990 through November of 2020. (Source.)
So there have been more injuries and deaths recorded in VAERS during the past 15 months following COVID-19 vaccines, than there were for the previous 30+ years combined following all vaccines recorded in VAERS.
Fetal Deaths Increase by 3,525% Following COVID-19 Vaccines
This most recent update of VAERS shows that there have now been 3,852 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines. (Source.)
To arrive at the number of fetal deaths recorded in VAERS I tested several different searches on listed “symptoms” and then checked to see if the search results documented fetal deaths, since there is no demographic for “fetal deaths.”
The following is the current list of “symptoms” in VAERS that reveals fetal deaths:
- Aborted pregnancy
- Abortion
- Abortion complete
- Abortion complicated
- Abortion early
- Abortion incomplete
- Abortion induced
- Abortion induced incomplete
- Abortion late
- Abortion missed
- Abortion of ectopic pregnancy
- Abortion spontaneous
- Abortion spontaneous complete
- Abortion spontaneous incomplete
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy termination
- Ectopic pregnancy with contraceptive device
- Foetal cardiac arrest
- Foetal death
- Premature baby death
- Premature delivery
- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
- Stillbirth
This list may not be exhaustive. But if we use the exact same search using these symptoms, we can compare “apples to apples” in examining fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines as compared to fetal deaths following all non-COVID vaccines.
Using this search for all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020, we find 2,550 fetal deaths, the vast majority of which followed vaccines produced by Merck, which would include the Gardasil vaccines. (Source.)
Here are the yearly averages then according to VAERS:
- 85 fetal deaths per year following non-COVID vaccines
- 3082 fetal deaths per year following COVID-19 vaccines
That’s a 3,525% increase in fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines, compared to reported fetal deaths following all FDA approved vaccines combined for the previous 30 years.
And still, I have not seen one single source in the Alternative Media report on these statistics (although a few of them have picked up our articles on the topic.)
Why is that?
Is it because they are afraid to cite us as a source for coming up with these search parameters, due to the fact that we also report the truth on pro-vaccine Donald Trump, and the pro-vaccine superstar doctors, which would upset their reader base and supporters?
Is that why these statistics are censored in the Alternative Media? If so, then you all have blood on your hands, because you are withholding what could be life-saving information to help a pregnant woman or child-bearing age woman make an informed decision about whether or not to receive one of these shots.
I don’t need any credit or links back for this information to be published! Do your own searches and report the same thing if you don’t want to be associated with us. There’s no ego here, and I do not earn any money from publishing these statistics.
This is about informed consent, and giving the public the statistics from the U.S. Government’s own database to have the data one needs to make an informed decision about these COVID-19 vaccines.
Facebook Fact Checkers Try to Discredit These Reports but End Up Verifying Them Instead!
Health Impact News