Expounding the More Perfect Way….Jesus Christ and Him Crucified Acts 18:24-28


Hebrews 13:4


The structure is:

1. Marriage is sanctioned and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

2. Lawful sex between a husband and wife holds no defilement.

3. To satisfy the sex drive outside of marriage, will find the one doing such, ultimately judged by God.


The phrase, “Marriage is honourable,” presents the Apostle addressing here a position in the Early Church which wasn’t Sound Doctrine.

There seemingly was an effort being made to show that celibacy was a more holy state; that there was something in marriage that rendered it dishonourable for those who were in the Ministry, or for those of either sex who would be imminently pure. In fact, this same question keeps popping up even until this present time.

Celibacy is one of the supports on which the Papal system rests, and has been one of the principal upholders of all the corruptions among Priests and Nuns. This is certainly not to say this group alone has these problems of immorality; however, I think we can say without any fear of contradiction, that immorality is far more prevalent in the Catholic Priesthood than in any other similar rank of society.

The Apostle here asserts, without any restriction or qualification, that marriage is honourable in all; and this proves that it is lawful for Ministers of the Gospel to marry, and that the whole doctrine of the superior purity of a state of celibacy is false.


The phrase, “And the bed undefiled,” pertains to the fact that sexual intercourse between a husband and wife present no defilement, whether spiritually or physically. The Holy Spirit through the Apostle proclaims the physical side of marriage as important and “pure.” Contrary to the views of some thinkers in the ancient world, there was nothing defiling about it.


The phrase, “But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge,” proclaims all sexual conduct outside of marriage as being absolutely defiled. This means that all forms of sexual sin come under the Judgment of God, at least if not repented of and forsaken. In fact, this was a novel view to many in the First Century. For them chastity was an unreasonable demand to make; consequently, the Gospel of Christ charted a new course in its day in a heathen world that was filled with immorality of every stripe.

The New Testament speaks just as strongly as the Old Testament against immorality of every nature. However, there is an important shift of rationale. There is a powerful new reason why sex outside of marriage is repugnant to the Lord. But some New Testament statements on immorality have often been misunderstood.

For instance, the New Testament never suggests that immorality is acceptable. But it makes clear how we should deal with individuals who fall short.


We must not avoid such persons who are outside the Christian fellowship. Paul told the Corinthians not to associate with “sexually immoral people.” Later he had to write and explain.

He did “not at all mean” to suggest withdrawal from “the people of this world” (I Cor. 5:10). That would mean isolation from the very people Christians are called to lead to Jesus! Certainly Jesus did not avoid such persons; and as the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery illustrates, Jesus’ first concern was to bring forgiveness, and then, with it, release from the power of every kind of sin (Jn. 8:1–11).


There must be discipline for those within. Thus, sexual immorality in the fellowship is to be dealt with decisively by the Christian community, especially if the individual refuses to repent (I Cor. 5:1–12).

The rationale is explained in I Corinthians 6:12–20. In a Christian’s relationship with Christ, the Believer is actually an organic part of the Lord’s Body. It is unthinkable that Christ would be involved in immorality. Thus, our bodies, linked with Jesus and being the temples of the Holy Spirit, must be kept holy. We are to treat ourselves as holy instruments, to be used in God’s service and not involved in sexual sins.

Finally, Paul reminds us, “You are not your own: you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (I Cor. 6:19–20).

The Scripture plainly tells us that judgment is coming for those who fail to heed the warning as it regards sexual immorality. Those who practice such and refuse to repent will ultimately be judged and excluded from the Eternal Kingdom (I Tim. 1:10; Heb. 13:4; Rev. 21:8; 22:15).


As we’ve already stated, sexual intercourse outside of marriage is sin for both the married and the unmarried. God forbids it, for our good. The Commandments against adultery and sexual immorality are rooted deep in the character of God as a faithful and loyal person. We are to mirror His faithfulness and show the same kind of loyalty in our relationships.

The serious nature of adultery or immorality of any nature, are seen in references to it in the Old Testament and in the Book of Revelation as an illustration of the ultimate unfaithfulness, apostasy, and spiritual idolatry. The New Testament reinforces the serious nature of sex sins for Believers by reminding us that we are linked forever with Christ and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Jesus has paid the ultimate price for us, and, as His Own people now, we are to commit our bodies to the Lord’s service, thereby not to serve sinful passions.

Every human being, having a sex drive, will experience the pull of temptation toward immorality of some nature. To surrender is not only wrong but also foolish. Like other sins, immorality erodes our character and brings guilt and suffering. As the Biblical proverbs remind us, we need to be guided by the traditions of the Godly and the commands of the Scripture, for they are “the way to life, keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life” (Prov. 6:23–26).

Even though this Passage in Proverbs deals more so with idolatry and spiritual adultery than anything else, it definitely also includes physical immorality.


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